
Financial Evaluation Method

Commercial sustainability aims to achieve the balance between economic, environmental and social impacts through the effective management of resources whilst maximising organisational profitability.

Capital expenditure (CAPEX) can be the amount that a company spends to buy & upgrade its assets. CAPEX Management should include good guidelines and tips, and how to increase the success rate of investment.

CAPEX Management break-down should, as minimum, include:
  • CAPEX Management is project management
  • Income/sales Planning, Cost Planning, and Capital Investment Planning
  • Perform investment analysis to calculate return on investment (ROI)
  • Establish an investment approval workflow and record all approval steps
  • Implement a management method, for example the PDCA (plan–do–check–act/adjust) Cycle in CAPEX

This project is expected to contribute to the role in decision support to help develop financial evaluation methods used in capital expenditure (CAPEX).

Green Growth of Maritime Industries

This project is expected to contribute to better understanding the role to help develop greener industries and what impact it has on maritime economics.

It will discuss how the maritime industry can address the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), considering environmental challenges, and what the main driving forces and barriers to invest in greener technologies are. You can read more about UN SDGs here.

As part of the United Nations family, IMO is actively working towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the associated SDGs. One of the goals of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is to reduce total annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Commercial shipping is increasingly seeking to using renewable or alternative fuels to meet requirements to reduce climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Digitalization in Maritime Industry

Digitalization is key in strengthening the resilience of the global supply chain and taking shipping into a new era. The supply chains, which rely on shipping, need further digitalization of trade and customs procedures, to ensure the fast and secure exchange of data and information.

IMO is working to ensure shipping can embrace the digital revolution – while ensuring safety, boosting environmental protection and managing cyber security risks. Cooperation between all relevant stakeholders, from shipping, ports and logistics, will be vital to drive the digitalization of shipping, enhance its efficiency and sustainability, and therefore facilitating trade and fostering economic prosperity.

A priority is the harmonization of electronic messages to facilitate the exchange of information between ship and shore. IMO has embraced electronic data exchange which is mandatory under the facilitation Convention since April 2019.

Digitalization and data sharing is making the maritime industry, safer, cleaner and more efficient. The necessary technologies exist but the maritime industry must find ways to overcome its competitive mindset and increase collaboration if it wants to fully realize the operational benefits of digitalization.

This project is expected to contribute to better understanding the role of digitalization in maritime economics. It will allow to discuss the ongoing process of digitalization in the maritime industry and to explore the ways cooperation changes when work is distributed between humans and autonomous technologies.


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